Thursday, January 15, 2009


Hi All...thanks for coming to "visit"! Here's the latest on our little household...

Luke is 3 yrs old (b-day: 11/30) and a wonderfully sweet, sensitive, fun and athletic little guy. He loves to ride his "brand new bike" as he calls it. Which is actually a 10 year old purple girls bike with Little Mermaid on the side, training wheels with flowers and a front white bald tire and a mismatched back black tire...our neighbors were nice enough to soup it up and gave it to Luke. He couldn't be happier. I think we've formed a groove in the sidewalk from the number of times we are up and down the street each day. Luke can easily ride a mile and a half no problem. Oh, yes, I should mention that Luke loves princess attire almost as much as he loves sports...for those who have not already seen this in the flesh don't be alarmed by some of the pics.

Jakey is 17 months (b-day: 8/2) and a ball of energy. He might be a tad smaller than his brother but he's stocky and all bets are on Jake that he'll rule the roost in no time. He has a magnetic smile and is definitely the ham of our family...which he must get from his dad. Jake chooses to use "words" like 'da' and 'dat' rather than talk.

We have a wonderful babysitter who comes 3x/week 4 hours a day so I can get out to exercise, go to my bible study, see friends, run errands and even do some shopping from time to time.
The boys love her and so do I - she's super cool!

Brad is still at Medtronic and working like crazy. He's the Head Cheese In Charge of Worldwide Supply which requires him to travel a bit to exotic places like Louisville, KY and Minneapolis...which he LOVES to go to in the winter. When time permits Brad still gets a few rounds of golf in here and there to keep his sanity. He's the best daddy and his boys adore him, which should go without saying.